
A Tale of Two Sons: The Prodigal

by Carlis Clinton | July 29, 2017
 A “Tale of Two Sons” is a 4-part sermon series based on a book written by John MacArthur.  It is one of three stories, or parables, that Jesus shared about reaching the lost in Luke chapter 15.  It is often called the prodigal son.  Charles Dickens said that it was the greatest short story ever written.  It contains twists of plots that would have shocked Jesus’ listeners.
  While it does contain powerful lessons for prodigals, it is so much more.  One son leaves his father’s house and lives an extravagant, wasteful lifestyle and is lost.  There is another that stays home and follows all the rules and is just as the prodigal brother.  And last there is a father that has a prodigal love for both lost sons.
 In this series Pastor Clinton will look first at the parable itself.  And then, in turn, look at each of the three main characters in the story, the prodigal, the father, and last, the elder brother.



  • Carlis Clinton